Custom Questionnaires

Streamline your hiring with the tailored questions. Do you ever wish you could ask more questions? Unlock the power of informed decision-making with Prevue Custom Questionnaires. This versatile tool empowers HR professionals across various functions, including recruiting, training and development, corporate communication, and employee relations.

Learn more about Custom Questionnaires

Easy to create

Prevue makes it easy to create and customize questionnaires

Choose from a variety of question types to suit your needs. Simply drag-and-drop to rearrange questions, insert images, and send them off to your candidates. Clear and concise results. Our unique scoring system allows you to assign point values to each question and star answers that are crucial for identifying your ideal candidate. This helps make your hiring decisions clearer than ever.

Easy to create

Tool for hiring

Elevate your recruiting process

Dive deep into a candidates potential with Prevue Custom Questionnaires. By integrating specific tailored questions designed to assess specific skill sets, you’ll unlock profound insights into candidates’ qualifications, expectations, and abilities.

Custom questionnaires are the perfect compliment to Prevue’s Job Fit report that provides a full snapshot of a candidates aptitude, motivations and personality in relation to the specific job they are applying for.

Tool for hiring

Impactful insights

Employee engagement

Employee engagement and satisfaction is paramount for maintaining a positive workplace culture and driving productivity. Our tool enables HR professionals to send out employee engagement and employee feedback surveys that capture valuable insights on various aspects of the employee experience. This enables HR teams to identify areas of improvement and implement strategies to enhance employee satisfaction, retention, and overall organizational performance.

Impactful insights

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