Unlock your candidate's full potential
Ever feel like there’s more to know when evaluating potential hires? At Prevue, we go beyond the resume and measure a combination of aptitude, motivations, and personality traits. Our Job-Fit report provides predictive insights into a candidate’s fit for the role. Avoid the risk of bad hires by making data-driven hiring decisions and ensure a long-lasting impact on retention.
Create benchmarks for success
Our team of experts build custom benchmarks for each role. Through our unique process, we take the characteristics that define your ideal employee and create job-specific profiles.
Job suitability score
We provide a clear and quantifiable measure to determine the candidate’s suitability for a specific role. This score streamlines the screening process, allowing you to quickly and accurately identify top candidates.
Targeted interview questions
Our job-specific insights are used to develop a structured interview guide that enables recruiters and hiring managers to focus on a candidate’s strengths and gaps in relation to the job.
Job-Fit Report: Key candidate insights
Capture a candidate’s potential in just a few pages. Prevue’s Job-Fit report compares a candidate to job-specific benchmarks and identifies how fit they are for the role. Powerful insights to improve your hiring.
What you’ll get:
- Overall suitability score
- Percentile scores for 20 traits
- Detailed descriptions of all scores
- Targeted interview questions
Download a sample report
Reduce the risk of bad hires
Prevue’s Job-Fit report empowers you to make informed, data-driven decisions throughout your hiring process, leading to significant benefits:
Predict job success
Gain deep insights that identify top talent and accurately predict a candidate’s on-the-job performance allowing you to hire with confidence.
Improve hiring efficiency
Optimize screening and interview time by by narrowing down your candidate pool early in the process, this allows your team to engage with only the top talent, leading to quicker hiring decisions and a more efficient recruitment workflow.
Reduce employee turnover
Successful hires contribute to increased productivity and higher employee retention rates, ultimately saving your organization time and valuable resources.