Team Building: Why It Matters

Some companies find the idea of gathering staff together to play games rather trivial. In fact, many see team building exercises as a waste of time and resources.

Similarly, a great deal of leaders feel that team socials only apply to particular industries. For example, some imagine that sales teams benefit most from these types of gatherings; they feel other industries won’t really benefit from these experience, and that resources should be allocated in other ways.

Of course, team building makes a great deal of sense in large companies. When there are hundreds of people working in various departments, getting everyone on the same page may prove chaotic.

With that in mind, employee engagement directly affects how long individuals stay with companies. Investing in these types of training, even in very small companies and startups, can make a huge difference. Not only will it reduce employee turnover, but it will motivate and encourage employees.

Interpersonal Dynamic

 Nowadays, many companies offer extensive training to their employees. Millennials comprise the largest demographic in the workplace, and many are attracted to jobs that offer skills training on-site. With that being said, training doesn’t have the same impact that team building does.

Team building offers colleagues the chance to understand each other in a much more profound way. They won’t always get the chance to give support and encouragement in the office, but during a game or exercise, a facilitator or leader may actively encourage it. Furthermore, they’ll have the chance to work as a team to solve problems, and doing so creates a sense of camaraderie.

Discover Strengths and Weaknesses

Of course, collaboration not only instills a sense of camaraderie; it also determines how people fit into a team. While some employees may feel self-conscious during these types of training, it allows teams to see where support is needed. Further, they uncover hidden strengths that may not come out in a regular working day. When this happens, employees feel more confident, motivated, and happy.

As the team works together to solve issues, they organically build trust and strengthen interpersonal relationships. Since they are exercises, and not actual work projects, they won’t put intense pressure on employees. They don’t directly affect the bottom line, so people can act more casually.

Team building exercises are work-related, but they integrate creative practices outside of a given field. As a result, they foster new ways for teams to develop as a whole. Indeed, they are an effective corporate culture tool that sets teams and individuals up for success.