Learning About Prevue’s Hiring Science

The full Prevue Assessment is comprised of three sections measuring cognitive abilities, occupational interests or motivations, and personality traits.

Aptitude Assessment

Prevue’s Aptitude Assessment can be broken down into four scales, all of which provides information about an individual’s ability to learn and use new information. They’re often a very important indicator of job performance.

  • General Ability: Measures a person’s capacity to deal with ideas, to solve problems, and to assimilate new information. It is an indication of how well a person thinks ahead to anticipate the effects of actions and decisions and how quickly one learns.
  • Working with Numbers: An evaluation of numerical reasoning. It shows how well an individual can interpret data and numbers, and provides information on an individual’s ability to reason logically and solve problems.
  • Working with Words: Measures a person’s ability to use written language for reasoning and problem-solving. It also provides insight on one’s written communication skills.
  • Working with Shapes: Assesses spatial reasoning skills and how well a person can mentally manipulate objects. It is an indication of a person’s ability to think and reason in three dimensions.

Motivations Assessment

Prevue’s Motivations Assessment provides information about a person’s interests and what drives them, in recognition of the fact that people work more effectively in jobs that are aligned with what they like to do. The three motivations scales include:

  • Working with People: Measures the extent to which an individual wants social interaction at a workplace. It shows whether a person wants to mentor, negotiate, instruct, supervise, delegate, persuade, interact, serve, and help.
  • Working with Data: Measures how a person feels about working with statistics, symbols, facts, and figures. It indicates an interest in synthesizing, co-ordination, analyzing, compiling, computing, copying, and comparing.
  • Working with Things: Measures an individual’s interest in working with inanimate objects such as machinery, tools, and equipment. An interest in Working with Things includes setting up, precision working, operating-controlling, driving-operating, manipulating, tending, feeding-unloading, and handling.

Personality Assessment

Prevue’s Personality Assessment is comprised of four major personality scales, each of which is supported by two minor scales. They’re all presented with two opposite extremes.


Diplomats are generally likable and good-natured. They are considerate, cooperative and good at pulling people together through persuasion. They sometimes choose to avoid conflict and controversy to preserve relationships (i.e. tactful, want to satisfy)


Independent people are single minded and determined to win. They are confident, hard headed and make autocratic leaders. They take charge and get things done, although they can be insensitive to the needs of those around them. (i.e. highly individualistic, dedicated to purpose)


Those who cooperate are non-competitive, desiring to make their contributions to achievement as members of a team. They will forego their own success to help others. (i.e. team players, helpful, sensitive to needs of others)


Competitive people strive hard to reach their goals. They are interested in personal achievements and play to win at any cost, sometimes using others to get what they want. (i.e. goal oriented, do not accept defeat easily)


People who are submissive are tactful, seeking to avoid controversy and diffuse aggression. They would rather avoid conflict than confront it. (i.e. peacemakers, compliant)


Assertive people are outspoken because they know their own minds and are not afraid to say so. They seek to be group leaders. They can create conflict through their sometimes controversial and unpopular opinions. (i.e. aggressive, prone to dominate)


People with spontaneity are flexible and unpredictable and work well in changing, challenging situations. When problems arise, they often adopt creative and unorthodox solutions. (i.e. look forward to change, adapt easily)


Others will recognize conscientious individuals as neat, tidy and detail-conscious. They follow rules and abide by standard practices and procedures. They are always well prepared through careful planning. (i.e. dedicated, dependable, honest)


Innovators are not bound by rules and “the way things have always been done.” They would rather explore new routes than take the well-traveled path, often viewing established rules, policies and procedures as obstacles to progress. (i.e. casual attitude towards rules, like fast-paced environment)


Those with conventional traits will do their work in a meticulous and reliable manner. They are trustworthy, structured and intent on doing things “the right way”. (i.e. predictable, highly principled)


People who are reactive seldom plan, choosing to react to circumstances as they arise. They take a broad view of events and leave details to others. Their work areas often appear disorganized. (i.e. expedient, not detail-oriented)


The mark of an organized person is a controlled and carefully planned and arranged environment. They plan carefully to meet deadlines, but dislike situations where they must improvise, “think on their feet” or engage in unstructured debate. (i.e. orderly, systematic, consider all options)


An introvert prefers the company of a few close friends and is content to be alone. They choose quiet, familiar surroundings. (i.e. subdued, compliant, avoid group activity)


An extrovert enjoys the stimulation of being with people, especially if given the opportunity to be the center of attention. They like exciting lively places. (i.e. sociable, talkative, impulsive)


The ability to enjoy working alone for long periods of time is the mark of a self-sufficient person. While they can work with others, they have no need to do so. (i.e. enjoy quiet environments, use own ideas)

Group Oriented:

A strong need for other people is the chief trait of group oriented people. They depend on the support, encouragement and social approval of others. While they want to be on the team or included in the group, they may not be interested in standing out or serving in leadership roles. (i.e. need involvement, seek approval)


People described as reserved find everyday life stimulating and feel no need to seek further excitement. They are not bored by repetitive tasks and tend to live quiet, orderly lives. (i.e. conservative, cautious, mild mannered)


Outgoing people enjoy taking risks and accepting challenges and doing stimulating things. They dislike repetitive tasks and like being with other people for the stimulation they provide. (i.e. seek spotlight, center of attention, not always good listeners)


Emotional people are sensitive, mostly to their own feelings of anxiety, suspicion, guilt and irritability. They are fearful of new people and new situations. (i.e. easily upset, questioning)


Those who are described as stable are generally untroubled and calm. They face problems and unforeseen circumstances without suffering undue stress, remaining relaxed and secure. They are untroubled by criticism. (i.e. secure, self-controlled, reliable, steady)


Restless people are easily upset, irritable and prone to lose their temper. They view the world as basically hostile and threatening. (i.e. unable to remain calm, handle rejection poorly)


People with poise shrug off criticism and cope with most adverse situations without becoming upset or irritated. They accept that few things proceed in life without something going wrong. (i.e. realistic, self-assured, dignified)


Excitable people become tense and anxious in stressful situations. They have trouble trusting and having confidence in their colleagues, being suspicious of the motives of others. (i.e. emotional, tendency to irritability)


Relaxed people are well prepared to cope with stressful situations. They accept people at face value and are seldom bothered when things go wrong. (i.e. calm, trusting, cope with pressure)

The Social Desirability Scale relates to an individual’s propensity to respond in what they perceive to be a socially desirable manner. Although the questions for the Social Desirability scale are included within the Personality Assessment, the scale is not a personality measure per se; rather it is a test reliability scale. The scale provides final insight into how a candidate has completed the Personality Assessment, and generates valuable information for the interview and reference checks.